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Maryia Rybak
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
27,5 cm yew wood and dragon heartstring
Basic information:
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2/19

Magical info:
Year: 1
Blood status: Half-Blood
Patronus: NA
Pets ~ None
Boggart: NA
Amortentia: Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Wand:27,5 cm yew wood and dragon heartstring
Favorite Classes: All? Potions, Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology
Least favorite classes: none?

Appearance Info:
Height: Short/fun size....=.=
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Her dark brown/black Hair that is always crazy unless she gets help putting her wild mane into a ponytail.
Clothing: Maryia likes to stay comfortable. Mostly seen wearing her robe, and if not her uniform, she wears shorts and a normal t-shirt. She isn't fancy and likes to just stay comfy.

Maryia always tries to make people smile! She has a bright outlook on life and tries to keep everything positive. You will rarely catch her without a smile.
Likes: Singing, dancing, playing games, going on adventures, drawing
Dislikes: Cheaters, liars, people who are cruel to others

I have a wonderful father back at home. My mother sadly died during child birth. But I know she is always with me. I have great support from my mothers family however, such as my grandmother, aunts, and uncles.


Maryia is overjoyed and excited to be at Hogwarts, just like her mother was. Many Quirks about herself, she laughs a lot, is always smiling, put others before herself without blinking an eye. She is strong enough to push through anything. Having been through a lot in my life, which some being good and many bad. And yet, without those times she wouldn't be where she is today. She takes each moment gratefully and with a smile. Even with hardship, the bravery one has can always persevere. A half blood. Age is 11 years old. She was born in Scotland, living on her families land that they have had for many generations.She loves going into the City and seeing all the beautiful creations that people have created, either art or cooking wise. She loved exploring the forest near her families home, Ultimately that was were she would be when there. Maryia loves to dance and explore unknown things. And learn knew things so she can become the best that she possibly will ever become. She never gives up without a fight. And always tries her hardest just like her father always told her. Her father was the one that raised her, her mother having died giving birth to her. So her life was mostly around muggles. However her father taught her everything about her mother and her witchy ways, having kept everything her mother ever had at Hogwarts in a trunk. She loves that fact that she is there and gets to experience an all new life.