Names Posts Register
Cass Ito  Second year, Writer, Duelling Co-Captain, Slytherin 1 866 15 May 2024
Prat Pass  Second year, Duelling Co-Captain, Slytherin 2 719 20 Apr 2024
Jessamine Hemlock  Second year, Duelling Co-Captain, Ravenclaw 56 7 Mar 2024
Pyxis Hellebore  Second year, Duelling Co-Captain, Slytherin 139 4 Jul 2023
Raizel Voltrouz  Third year, Duelling Captain, Broom Racer, Gryffindor 681 13 Feb 2023
Lea Hirsch  Fifth year, Quidditch & Duelling Co-Captain, Hufflepuff 589 13 Aug 2020
Julian Pritchard  Fifth year, Duelling Co-Captain, Hufflepuff 219 23 Jul 2020
Cassius Eden  Sixth year, Duelling Captain, Prefect of Ravenclaw 574 26 Jun 2020
Damion White  Sixth year, Duelling Co-Captain, Ravenclaw 7 009 9 Apr 2020
Piérre Marchonné  Sixth year, Duelling Co-Captain, Broom Racer, Gryffindor 1 339 18 Aug 2019
Jake Morris  Sixth year, Duelling Captain, Prefect of Hufflepuff 1 057 21 Jul 2019
Galton Lansdale  Seventh year, Duelling Co-Captain, Gryffindor 455 9 Jun 2019
Solomon Lear  Headmaster of Hogwarts, II 9 427 16 Feb 2018